Confidential individual, family, and group counseling tailored to your needs.
group counselling

Depending on our clients’ needs, Empowerment Behavioral Health, LLC offers different types of counseling services, namely Individual, Family, and Group Counseling.

  • Individual Counseling. Also known as psychotherapy, individual counseling involves one-on-one conversations between an individual and a trained counselor. During sessions, individuals are free to talk about their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and concerns in a safe and confidential environment.
  • Family Counseling. Family counseling is a type of psychological therapy that can help family members resolve conflicts and improve communication with each other. It is designed to address specific issues that affect the mental health of the family, such as mental health conditions, financial hardships, and major life transitions.
  • Group Counseling. Group counseling is a type of counseling where a small group of people regularly meet to discuss, interact, and explore problems with other members and the counselor in charge. Typically, groups are composed of people who are going through similar issues and challenges.


Interested in our counseling services? For more details, get in touch with us at 1443-831-5966.